Recognizing the Adversary
Discussion based on The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
Screwtape’s advice:
Positions of prayer - not to let the person kneel -
Keep them so busy — even with non-essential church things
Church culture - make them think they are accomplishing things through busy work
Don’t let the patient have silence—always music, always something to distract them
Prayer - here is what I need to have to happen, If it doesn’t happen, then the patient will lose hope
Moderation in all things —is not a thing -
Relationship between uncle and nephew - not father and son - interesting dynamic
Covenantal relationships - help with the shielding from temptations
The tone of the uncle to the nephew changes as the nephew begins to fail with his assignment
Keep our minds in a state of confusion
God cannot tempt to virtue as Satan tempts to vice
The “All I want’s” can be lethal
Thinks time is his birthright
Ensign Devotional - Loren Dalton - You are Receiving Revelation -
Other readings:
When it’s first-person, it usually comes from Satan - also as a second voice in your head - he uses logic, “This totally makes sense.” - God doesn’t need logic; He needs us to have faith.
Scriptures regarding darkness:
Doctrine and Covenants 88:49
Doctrine and Covenants 123:13-14
Alma 37:25
1 Corinthians 4:5
2 Nephi 9:9
Mormon 5:8
2 Nephi 10:15
God leads, and Satan drags
13th Article of Faith - is it of “good report”?
Is it overall a net positive?
Does God know the choices that we are going to make? Yes—He is all-knowing, but we have our agency to make those choices
He must know that we turn out okay -
The concept of time is impossible for us to understand
Unlearning is as important as learning
Be aware of eternity and all it offers, but live in the practice and education of life right now - this life is a graduate program.