Jacob the Prophet
A Discussion of Jacob the Prophet
Joseph Spencer - Jacob - “As Jacob makes clear from the outset of the Book of Mormon, there is a real difference between how women fare among the Nephites and how they fare among the Lamanites.” https://rsc.byu.edu/give-ear-my-words/women-nephite-men
Women in the Book of Mormon - Joseph Spencer - Sperry Symposium - October 2019 - similar presentation found at Widtsoe Foundation
Dr. Spencer’s presentation blew my mind, and I do not say that often. “In just a few glimpses into Lamanite culture and civilization, one sees families where women and men are relatively equal, societies where women wield political power, and situations where women serve as real heroes in complex narratives….”
Rosalynde Welch podcast on Jacob - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/maxwell-institute-podcast/id666445688?i=1000648093862
From John Tanner - “Literary Reflections on Jacob and His Descendants a Literary Jacob” - anxiety, grief, wound, a sensitive soul - https://rsc.byu.edu/book-mormon-jacob-through-words-mormon-learn-joy/literary-reflections-jacob-his-descendants
Born in the wilderness - considered a wilderness prophet
Jacob 1-3 A possible approach regarding women
Jacob - we need our Savior Jesus Christ 2 Nephi 9:7-9
Peter and his denial of knowing Jesus - Spencer W. Kimball’s talk - https://rsc.byu.edu/ministry-peter-chief-apostle/appendix-peter-my-brother - (not related to the prophet Jacob, but interesting to consider how we interpret well-known scripture stories)
Sam Brown's quote related to Jacob 2:10 Something to consider: was Jacob bringing out their sins from darkness? Did only a few know about these practices? Jacob calls them out for having misread the scriptures. (March 16, 2020, SamBrownLDS on YouTube)
Wendy Watson Nelson quote - "I think it can be comforting for missionaries to know that they are never alone when they are finding and teaching those who are receptive to the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. President George Q. Cannon (1827–1901), who served as a counselor to four Presidents of the Church, taught that in these latter days, those who are joining the Church are joining precisely because their ancestors have been praying for one of their posterity to join the Church so that they, the ancestors, can receive their essential ordinances by proxy. That's when I invite the missionaries to consider one of their most effective prayers might be please lead us to those whose ancestors have already received the Gospel on the other side of the veil and who are desperate to receive their ordinances. I also invite the missionaries to picture in their mind's eyes when they are teaching their friends (investigators) at least 100 more people in the room. Those 100 people are, of course, the ancestors of the friend (investigator) and the ancestors of the missionaries-quite a powerful moment." Wendy Watson Nelson RootsTech 2017
Prophets meant for that time and our time - Jacob - Nephi - Nelson (adjustment in temple language, women witnesses, numerous talks on speaking up and out, using priesthood power and authority)
“I glory in plainness - 2 Nephi 33:6
Jacob 6:12: “O be wise; what can I say more?” Great ending.